Important Legal Stuff
Copyright © 2004 Keith G. Chuvala. All Rights Reserved.
Keith's Shopping List Manager is provided free for inidiviual, non-commercial use.
You may share this program freely, but you may NOT sell, re-sell, or re-license the
program or any part of it for any reason without the express written permission of
the author. So there!
Revision History
Version | Date | Changes | (Beta) | Sep. 2, 2004 |
Bug - Space keypress (toggle checkmark) now recalcs amount spent
Improve the operation of the "Search" box
Updated icon and logo artwork (still ugly, but slightly improved....)
| (Beta) | Sep. 1, 2004 |
Bug - Index out of bounds error when adding a new record
New About Box
| (Beta) | Aug. 30, 2004 | Bug - runtime .DLL dependencies | (Beta) | Aug. 28, 2004 | Initial Beta Release |
Installing the Program
This is about as simple as it gets. Unzip the file to
whatever location you like. It contains only a single executable program, ShopList.exe, plus a sample Shopping
list file to get you started. A fully funcitonal install will come eventually. ;)
IMPORTANT!!!! If you are upgrading your copy of the program, unzip ONLY the .EXE file from this .Zip.
Otherwise you risk overwriting your ShopList.xml file, losing any changes you've made to your default list!
Screen Shots with Brief Explanations
For the most part, Shopping List's operation is very obvious. This will introduce you to the program, then later this will be expanded to include more detailed information and help.
Main Window - Edit and Add items to the list
Just start typing in the main window to invoke the search box. Press Enter to select the item found. you can get rid of the search box by clicking on the "X" or pressing Escape
Click on a text field (except Amount), then press F2 or click it a second time to edit the value in the field
The File Menu:
The Items Menu:
The Help Menu:
Double-click an Item, or press Enter on it to edit it multiple fields at once
The program remembers stores you've used and provides a convenient drop-down list
The program also remembers aisles you've used
List Window - View/Print the shopping list
Shopping List DTD
For the terminally geeky among us, here's the DTD used by the program. The Shopping List data files are actually very simple XML text files.
<!DOCTYPE ShoppingList [
<!ELEMENT ShoppingList (Purchase*)>
<!ELEMENT Purchase (Selected,Qty,Item,Price,Amount,Store,Aisle,Notes)>
<!ELEMENT Selected (#PCDATA)>
Here's a Sample File, complete with DTD and data.